Very many specialists in the field of training know their business perfectly, nevertheless, at the beginning of their professional path, in the work of many of them there are flaws. This is an important enough moment that should be taken into account because the quality of the material depends on the quality of the presentation of the material and the subsequent level of work of employees for whom the trainer is invited. The coach is expected to improve it significantly and therefore he should be the first to be extremely attentive to his professional shortcomings. The coach should work on his mistakes carefully because this profession implies that he will be a model for all his students.

What are the mistakes of the coach?

The pace of speech. The coach must speak intelligibly and average pace of speech. This is the most comfortable form of presenting information, which should always be remembered. It is best when the coach remembers this by default and does not have to constantly remind himself about it – it is all a skill that can be easily practiced. A fast speed of speech is considered a mistake of the coach, as such a pace can not catch all, due to which most of the information passes “past” the clients. Too slow pace of speech is relevant for the parsing of very important information with examples in figures and other related data or materials, if this pace of speech speaker uses always – it is fundamentally wrong. This way of speaking all the time is considered one of the most significant mistakes of a trainer. Too loud or too quiet. The coach needs to understand what volume of voice for the audience will be optimal. Thus, one of the main mistakes of the coach is too loud speech, especially if he broadcasts to a small audience. If the speech is too quiet, many of those who sit at the end of the hall, may simply not hear anything. 

Parasitic words

These include: “so to speak”, “in short”, “well”, “in general” and other frequently repeated words. The use of all such words and phrases, as well as loud pauses with the sound “uh”, will indicate the unprofessionalism of the coach. Such a mistake of the coach will first of all hinder him/her, as the audience will be uncomfortable listening to a person who shows his/her unprofessionalism. There will be whispering, someone will start studying messages on his phone, someone will chat, and so on. All this will eventually lead to the fact that even important information, prepared by the trainer, will remain unattended. Complicated terms. Many trainers at the initial stages of their professional practice turn to professional terminology. They consider an important topic from different sides from the position of an expert, presenting information in professional language. This is all well and good, but not for the training format. Speech, which is oversaturated with professional terminology, is perceived as quite difficult. At the same time, the audience may be novice professionals who will not understand what was said. Such a mistake by the trainer can have very sad consequences. Unstructured speech.  You may encounter such a mistake of the trainer as the absence of logical structure in the text. Thus, what the audience hears can be compared to a patchwork quilt, in which each of the listeners highlights its brightest fragment, but generally, the whole material is not perceived. After such a lecture the students have a strange feeling of wasted time. Speech errors. Some trainers do not know their native language well enough, which is immediately evident in the lecture presentation of the material. Such errors of the trainer include incorrect accents, inconsistent sentences, misinterpretation of the meaning of words (use not according to the meaning), and so on. All this will eventually affect the quality of training, so if you practice coaching, you should keep a close eye on this. Instruction: what to do specifically in each situation. This mistake often awaits theoretical trainers, who are not familiar with the practical side of the issue in principle. Despite the high competition among trainers in various fields of activity, there are still theoreticians. At the same time, they can also give very good material, but they can hardly teach practical issues – what to do in each situation. In particular, if an operator, who works on the incoming line, will ask a question about what to do when a customer with a complaint has contacted the call center, such a trainer will not be able to answer immediately. Such a mistake by the trainer will question his competence, which will negatively affect the further perception of the material by the audience. Therefore, if the theoretical base is sufficiently dense, you still should remember the practical side of the issue, with which it is best to familiarize yourself, as they say, from the inside.