Very often in the framework of call center performance, representatives of online stores consider only key indicators, the main one being conversion rate. One way or another, all such indicators point to the effectiveness of the telemarketing campaign only for a specific period of time, but at the same time, attention is not paid to the overall customer loyalty, and therefore it is impossible to predict the level of future sales. It turns out that the call center quality evaluation excludes a lot of very informative metrics, which could largely help the qualitative prediction of the effectiveness of a modern online store. So on the basis of what can you form an assessment of the call center in the framework of cooperation with the online store? Several additional metrics can help in this: the coefficient of solving the buyer’s question at the first call, the forecast of the average service time compared to the current one, the cost of processing one contact, customer satisfaction and the level of service.

First Call Resolution Rate

This indicator tells information about the percentage of completed transactions on the first call, it is calculated by taking into account the total number of calls. This coefficient shows the quality and efficiency of each individual operator. It is based on the ability and skills of the call center employee in providing a potential customer with all the necessary information with the subsequent purpose of bringing him to the purchase. It is important to take into account that the customer has provided all the necessary information to the call center. Usually, the call center agent evaluation is formed on the basis of how successfully the operators worked. Therefore, no matter how famous the store was not and no matter how low the prices in it, sells the goods directly to whom the potential buyer turned. And if at this end of the wire is not a professional, no other advantages will not save such an online store from a missed opportunity to make a profit.

Forecast of the average service time compared to the current one

This is an interesting indicator in order to come to an overall assessment of the work of the call center in the framework of the task set by the online store. So, the average service time shows us how much of a call center operator’s working time is devoted specifically to call processing. It includes two values: the average duration of the call, as well as the average amount of work time after this call. Here you need to understand how much time is spent after the call – perhaps you should change something in the established order of call handling, as the situation may worsen in the future.

Average Handle Time

It is considered to be a relatively popular indicator in the evaluation of call center performance. In this case, it is worth taking into account not only those calls, as a result of which the transaction was closed, but all those that include attempts. In this case, it is worth comparing this indicator with the “per click” indicator, which is used in their practice by Internet marketers.

Customer Satisfaction

It is believed that getting one loyal customer for an online store equates to attracting seven new ones.  Needless to say, against the background of fickleness of customers, the presence of regular customers is already an excellent indicator of the work of the online store. As part of the call center performance evaluation sample in cooperation with such an online store, it is worth paying attention to the feedback. Online store should initiate surveys, analyze suggestions and complaints. Otherwise, regular customers may very soon go to the sites of competitors.

Service level

The level of service provided by the call center in cooperation with the online store depends on many factors. Call center evaluation in this matter is not separable from the position of the online store itself – the management of the online project should be important that the level of customer service is at the top. So he will take care of ordering quality scripts, and a backup call center, and that the operators have all the necessary information and authority in case of conflict or controversial situations. And this is not all that is needed for the level of service to be at its best. The key role here is the level of interest of the owner of the online store, and the quality of work of an experienced call center will not be a matter for the quality of work.

Outsourcing call center in cooperation with an online store: what you need to consider

Every owner of an online store wants to get quality call center services, but not everyone knows what is required from the customer for this. So, the assessment of the work of the call center will be as objective as possible, if the second party fulfills the basic obligations. So, one of the fundamental moments for the customer can be considered to fill out the brief. So, if the task is not formalized in the right form, the call center will be difficult to work with it. At the same time, some customers ignore this rule, which in the long run may lead to conflict or, at least, misunderstanding. Therefore, you should not ignore filling out the brief. The next important moment is the launch. In no case should it be rushed, but it is also important not to delay. This is due to the need to train operators in the script and product of the customer company. Do not think that if, for example, on Friday evening the task was announced, on Monday the project will already be launched – haste in this case will not lead to anything good, and even on the contrary – may lead to irrational expenditures of both time and money. If the launch is constantly delayed, it may entail additional training of operators, which also promises additional costs on the part of the online store. In addition to all of the above, it is worth considering some other nuances. When cooperating with a call center, the online store must decide who will be responsible for all communications on this project. Otherwise, communication with different people and chaotic distribution of reporting will not lead to anything good. In order for the evaluation of the call center to be objective and based on facts, representatives of online stores must meet all the minimum necessary requirements on their part as well. Only in this way will mutual understanding – the basis of any effective interaction – be achieved.

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